We Are Married Pics :)

Last week we had our pictures taken by Andrea Murphy in Tulsa. Last night I drove to Tulsa to pick out which ones I wanted to order. I loved ALL of them…but I knew I couldn’t order all of them…so here are the few I ordered.

She did an amazing job! I just love them!

Have a good weekend!!

My Weekend

How was your Easter Weekend?

Mine was good! We went to a wedding, drove around Grand Lake (I got to see the land we own that I have never seen before), spent time with family…and of course took pictures!

Brian & I drove over the dam at Grand Lake and decided to venture out. Brian made me pose so he could practice his photography skills 🙂

And of course I couldn’t go to my mom’s house without taking pictures of her pretty flowers. It rained almost the entire time we were there…but as soon as it stopped I ran out to her flower garden!

I also got to take pictures of this PRECIOUS little girl.

Don’t worry…I will share more pictures later!

Do What You Love

I was talking to my friend Nina this morning about photography. Some days I feel like I am really improving in my “skills” and other days I feel like I have gotten worse.  On days I feel like I have gotten worse I tend to put my camera in its ‘oh so cute camera bag’ and not touch it for a few days! I know…I know…that doesn’t make any sense…because if I wanted to get better…I should be out taking pictures of everything!


I love photography. I could stare at other people’s wedding pictures for hours. Its probably kinda creepy! 🙂 But as a result I read a lot of photography blogs . One photography blog I read today showed how they displayed their photos in their home. Next to some of the photos they had this hanging on the wall:

I just love this! I feel like this is a good reminder that if I continue working hard at what I love (even when I am feeling frustrated)…I can someday do what I love full time!

P.S. Last night I got to take pictures of my favorite little girl! Ill be back later with some pictures of her!

Tea Party

Happy Monday!! I am still recovering from my tea party…boy was it a RAGER! 🙂

Just Kidding! It was so much fun though…and I loved getting ready for it! Here are a few pics from the party.

These are all the goodies I made!

I set up a table in my backyard for us to sit at!

The Girls 🙂

Brian was our photographer for the event…and he snuck in a few pictures when we weren’t looking too!

Sally wanted to join in on the fun!!

What is a party without an Octopus Hug?

Just for the record…we really are laughing! 

We played a game….who could fill up the tea cups fastest…with a tea spoon 🙂 

The party was so fun and it was so nice to hang out with the girls! 

something cute & a little laugh

In my photography class on Tuesday we had two girls come model, and they brought their bunnies! They were so cute! Here are a few pictures…

Sooo cute!

Wanna here a “Friday Laugh”

I got this in an email..and I couldn’t help but LOL


When  our lawn mower broke and wouldn’t run, my  wife kept hinting to me
that I  should get it  fixed.
But, somehow I always had  something else to take care  of first, the
truck, the car,  playing  golf,
Always something more  important to  me.
Finally  she thought of a clever way to make her point.  When I arrived
home one day, I  found her seated in the tall  grass, busily snipping away with a  tiny pair of sewing  scissors.
I  watched silently for a short time and then went into  the house.  I was
gone only a  minute, and when I came out again I handed her a toothbrush. I said, ‘When you  finish cutting the grass, you might as  well
sweep the  driveway.’
The  doctors say I will walk again, but I will always  have a  limp.

HAHA! Have a GREAT weekend!


I had planned to spend the whole day at work crafting…working on Tea Party Stuff..you know..anything but WORK! 🙂

However…our entire staff is at a conference in Dallas…and we have a funeral here tomorrow.

Needless to say…its been a little stressful. I have had to organize (find piano players, soloists, meal teams..etc) and well now I am running sound for the service. I mean I offered to do it..but I didn’t think they would actually let me…seeing how I have never even touched the sound board! Sheesh…

So pray that I don’t mess anything up!

DIY Tea Party

This weekend I am having a tea party with a bunch of my girlfriends!

I have been SLOWLY working on things for it…but I still have so much to do. Here are a few things I made for the party.

I found this picture online…I edited it a little bit and wa la! I have a poster/invite!

I am giving all my friends this cute little tea cup card! I found a tea cup outline online and just glued on some scrapbook paper!

This is a punch out flower. I made several for decorations at the party.

I made these “eat me, drink me” tags to put on all the desserts and drinks! I saw a blog make some so I decided to make my own!

I also made these friend cards. I just got these flowers from Hobby Lobby and glued them on some paper!

I used this board for a photo shoot! I decided to put this cute quote I found on a mug on it 🙂

My FAVORITE thing that I have made so far. Aren’t these soo cute?!? I can’t wait to wear them!

I can’t wait for the party!!