Christmas Tree Tutorial

As you know I am a Pinterist ADDICT! I found this super cute wood tree on Pinterist.

Isn’t that the cutest?! Well I decided that I wanted to make one for Christmas. Only problem…there was no tutorial! So I sent my dad this picture and told him I wanted to make it…and he said ‘consider it done!’ (Just one of the many reasons my dad is so great!)

So here you are….here is MY tutorial for a DIY wood tree.

Step 1: Find some wood. I used 2 pieces of wood that were 3 1/2 inches wide and 12 feet long! But you can use whatever wood you would like.

Step 2: Choose your dimensions! Since our house is small…I decided to make mine a lot smaller than in the picture. I kinda just estimated the dimensions of how I thought it would look best. It doesn’t have to be perfect! It gives it character! 🙂

Step 3: Use a wood saw and cut the wood according to your dimensions(or have your dad do it!) 🙂

Step 4: After you cut the wood, lay the pieces out the way you want to screw them together. After you lay them out, use a sharpie to mark where the screw should go. (To insure a secure hold, use two screws for each piece of wood.)

Step 5: If you have a fancy machine like my dad does (whatever kind of machine that is) you can put the holes in the wood before you use a screwdriver to put the screw in. If not that is ok! Just use a screwdriver and put the screws in the spots you marked in Step 4.

After you are done with the screws…you are done with the construction!

Thanks dad!! (P.S. He liked it so much…we made another one for him to put in his office!)

Step 6: Paint it! I decided to have more of a Christmas theme for mine. So I painted mine red and cream. I watered my paint down just a little so you could still see the marking on the wood.

Step 7: Final step…decorate it! I went to Hobby Lobby and bought ornaments to hang on my tree!

I love it! I just leaned mine against a wall in our house! It makes such a great Christmas decoration and it was so easy to make!

Happy Crafting!



Here is a recap of all that I have been thankful for this month…

#1 I am thankful for my HARD working husband, who no matter how bad of a day, never lets his work affect his attitude at home!
#2 I am thankful for my Sally dog…..she really is the best dog in the world! 🙂
#3 I am thankful for space heaters! I would NOT survive winter without them! 🙂
#4 I am thankful for my fondue pot! Birthday’s and girls night just wouldn’t be the same without it! 🙂
#5 I am thankful for my husband (again) because he came and picked me up during my run because my leg was hurting so bad!
#6 I am thankful for Sundays…especially those like today! Church, lunch at Karsten Creek, laziness, Breakfast for dinner, and more laziness! 🙂
#7 I am thankful for my friends! They truly are the greatest!!
#8 I am thankful for the roof over my head and the home Brian and I have made!
#9 I am thankful I have a job…even when I complain about it…I am very blessed to have the job that I do! 🙂
#10 I am thankful this day is over! Working 13 hours was not what I had in mind when I woke up this morning!
#11 I am thankful for lazy weekends with my husband.
#12 I am thankful/proud to be a cowgirl! Go pokes!!!
#13 I am thankful for today’s weather! Especially since its y last long run before my half-marathon!
#14 I am thankful for my running partners….they help keep me motivated!!
#15 I am thankful for my Reecie Poo! She is so sweet and soft and loves to cuddle!
#16 I am thankful for nights like these where we can just relax in our sweatpants and eat cookies and milk! 🙂
#17 I am thankful for the mystery person who left a rose on my desk! 🙂
#18 I am thankful for my family and friends!
#19 I am thankful that I was able to stay healthy throughout my training so that I can run my half marathon tomorrow!!
#20 I am thankful I finished my half-marathon!
#21 I am thankful I live close enough to Hideaway that I can go there on a whim!
#22 I am thankful for this 2 day work week!!!
#23 Thankful I have got to work with Marsha Siebert Holzer for the last year and a half!

and Finally….(well not finally…but you know…)

#24 I am thankful for my savior Jesus Christ….because without him I couldn’t be thankful for anything!


p.s. I am also thankful for my mom for cooking us a HUGE meal! She is the best! THANKS MOM!



Isn’t she the cutest? (Besides Sally Dog) She was so sleepy last night and wouldn’t get off the chair! Anytime I tried to move her she would growl at me!


Anyways…the day has finally come! Today was Marsha’s LAST DAY at Countryside! I am so sad….we both started working at CBC at the same time! She is my mom away from home! 😦

I made her a card for all of us to sign at the office!

And we all went out to lunch together to hang out one last time!

I am gonna miss my partner in crime….but I know there will be lots of coffe( for marsha, hot chocolate for me) dates in our future!


It was freezing last night! So chili, sweat pants and space heaters were on the menu!

I made yummy chili from my friend Alyssa’s recipe!

Since its too cold to go outside, I decided to be crafty! I found this CUTE picture on Pinterist and HAD to make it for my secret sister! (Hopefully she doesn’t read my blog!)

So I re-created it!

This is my version! I hope she likes it! 🙂


This morning as I was getting ready for work, I found Reece looking out the window…isn’t she just too cute?!

Happy Thursday….don’t forget to get Sweet Tea!! 🙂


This weekend I got to try out my new lens on my friend Brittany and her boyfriends daughter Ashlei. Brit decided to have pictures taken of Ashlei for a Christmas present for her boyfriend! What a great idea (hint…hint) 😉

Here are a few pictures we took! (P.S. Ahslei is gorgeous…and only 11!)

See? I told ya!

Busy, Busy

This week has been CRAAAAAZY!!

The earliest I have been home this week is 9pm. But I guess I can’t complain too much! I had dinner with a dear friend, we went to OKC to have dinner with some friends, and I am coordinating a wedding! So since I have been so busy….here is a little recap of my last week!

Last Friday I went to the Pioneer game! Reecie wanted to use my new lens to take a picture! 🙂

Reece, of course, had to play in the pond a little this weekend!

Brian & I went to the OSU game and sat with our friends Alyssa & Jon!

Sally & Reece got to play at the park!

Reece wasn’t sure what to think of herself in the mirror!

And you can NEVER have to many pictures of Sally Dog! 🙂

Have a great weekend!